Nina Dragičević: »Feminism Isn’t About Hating Men, It’s Pure Criticism Of Inequality« – video portrait

Sound artist, composer, violinist, electronic artist, poet, writer, radio persona, sociologist nad critic Nina Dragičević is one of the most cirtical and insightful artists and researcher of sound in Slovenia. So far she has released two albums, Parallellax (Kamizdat, 2016) and Gospa, tega v realnosti ni / Ma’am there is no such thing in reality (Kamizdat, 2019). In her music, she combines the cruelty and narrativity of everyday noise(s), voices, violin sounds and electronic manipulations of sound matter into intense sonic narratives She is also the author of two important studies in the field of sound art and music, Slavne neznane: zvočne umetnice v konstrukciji družbe / Famous Unknowns: female sound artists in construction of society (ŠKUC, 2016) and Med njima je glasba: Glasba v konstrukciji lezbične scene / The Music Between Them: Music in construction of lesbian communities  (ŠKUC, 2017). Together with Žiga Jenko and Anja Novak she transformed her book of poetry Ljubav reče greva (ŠKUC Lambda, 2019) into the play of intensities between differend  creative codes, which makes a whole, that is not sound poetry or poetry with music or vice versa but intensive meeting between meaning and noise as an event, which shadows the meaning and trasnforms it. This year, she was the artist-in-focus of the City of Women festival, presenting her new sound installation Extensions of Pleasure.

In this video portrait, which was made for and exhibited on Musica Femina exhibition at this year’s edition of City of Women festival, Nina Dragičević talks about her own work, the position of women in art, about erasure and concealment of women artists, about feminism, about problems of creatvity in art today and indirectly about sound as an intense space of social and political forces.

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